
Leaderships Role in Enablement - Part 2

In part 1, I talked about metrics. Once the work has been done to reset metrics that focus on ecosystem led growth, then it becomes imperative that a sales leader be supporting ecosystem behaviors by reinforcing the importance of partner enablement.

Focusing on ecosystem led growth becomes a pivotal strategy after resetting metrics to highlight its importance. It's essential for sales leaders to champion partner enablement, underscoring its significance at every stage of the sales cycle, especially during training and enablement phases. This is the juncture where the foundation for success is laid, and motivation begins to take root.

Understanding the Critical Role of Sales Leaders in Partner Enablement

Sales leaders play a vital role in nurturing their teams through active involvement, particularly during the crucial moments of training and enablement. There are three pivotal times when a leader's influence is most impactful:

  1. Pre-Enablement Training: Setting priorities becomes crucial before the enablement process. By emphasizing the importance of certain learning materials, leaders ensure that sellers understand their relevance to the organization's goals. For instance, introducing a new partnership with a company like ACME Co and highlighting its strategic importance sets a clear expectation. A message or voice note can effectively communicate this, stressing the need for sellers to engage with the enablement content promptly. This approach not only stresses the importance of the partner to the business but also holds sellers accountable for their learning and application.
  2. Post-Training, Pre-Application: After completing their training, sellers know more about the partner's offerings and potential value. However, knowledge doesn't automatically translate to action. It's here that sales managers must gauge their team's readiness to apply what they've learned. Through a series of targeted questions, managers can explore the team's understanding (the mind) and their feelings towards the new partner (the heart). Questions should start from factual aspects, such as the value proposition of ACME Co, moving towards more subjective areas like sellers' excitement about sharing this new partnership. This strategy bridges the gap between acquiring knowledge and its practical application.
  3. Post-Application Support: The final crucial moment comes after sellers attempt to apply their new knowledge. It's not about the success rate but the effort and application. By encouraging sellers to walk through their experiences, leaders foster an environment of learning and adaptation. This conversation is an opportunity to reinforce the practice of applying new knowledge and to emphasize that continuous effort is key to mastering new behaviors.

Embedding Partner Enablement and ELG into the Sales Culture

The essence of these interactions goes beyond simple training follow-ups; they are integral to cultivating a learning culture that embraces ecosystem led growth. Over time, this approach strengthens the team's ability to seamlessly integrate and apply new learnings, making strategic sales conversations more impactful. As these practices become embedded in the team's routine, sales meetings evolve from learning check-ins to strategic planning sessions focused on leveraging partnerships for growth.

Ultimately, embracing partner enablement and focusing on ELG are not just about individual training events but about integrating these principles into the daily workflow of sellers. Through consistent coaching and support from sales leaders, these behaviors become second nature, fostering an environment where ecosystem-led strategies drive success.

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